Story Structure & Character Creation
This document is a story and character outline for an independent science fiction game about a crew of a starship who were accidentally transported several hundred thousand years into the future.
The crew were inexorably drawn home to Earth, despite being aware that all knowledge and memory of their existence had most likely long since faded. The also had to wrestle with the knowledge that the human race had, in the intervening eons, evolved beyond the their into something that they would struggle both to comprehend and to communicate with.
To create the cast of characters, I ensured that each member of the crew represented one aspect of humanity that had been lost in the ensuing eons. As each character wrestled with their personal loss, the player would come to understand how much of humanity had evolved and just how foreign a future they had found themselves in.
Finally, after grieving for the loss of their planet and civilization, the crew would then have to decide for themselves how their branch of humanity's future would differ from the one that had evolved in the timeline they now found themselves in.